TMD/Jaw Symptoms; Can you recall One Incident?
Can you recall ONE INCIDENT in the Distant Past?
That’s all it takes for the TMD to DEVELOP over the LONG time and quietly (Months to Years).
It can be an incident that happened in the distant past such as netball hitting your face when you were a school kid.
It may have been when you were learning to stand and walk. When babies are learning to walk, often they fall over and hit their chin, jaw or face and it’s usually not just once.
Or you may have had a difficult teeth extractions and wisdom teeth removal under general anaesthesia.
Of course, those incidences are difficult to recall, associate with TMD or simply cannot remember.
So ASK your MUM and DAD for any incidences that may have happened in the past.
Clearer we know the mechanism of injury, more accurate the diagnosis will be.
Accurate diagnosis leads to Right treatment and management for your TMD!
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