Clicky Jaw, Why and What to Do!
Click jaw is quite common but often goes untreated.
It’s because it is not painful.
Why not painful when jaw clicks?
Jaw clicks occur because of the joint disc is displacing from the joint or reducing (back to where it should be).
But …
the Jaw Discs are not innervated. It means the dics does not have nerve supply to it so you notice the sound of click but do not particularly feel the pain with it.
Is it a problem?
in the short term.
in the long term.
It is because the discs are protecting your jaw joint surface and distributing nutrients to the joint surface also.
Why is the jaw joint surface important to protect?
It is because the jaw joint surface is made of cartilage that is soft in nature and does not withstand too well to high level of compression or friction forces.
So it would be great to improve the jaw so that the click is reduced permanently and seek help from someone with special interest in treating jaw joint and identify the reason why it got clicks in the first place.
Is it the clenching and grinding due to stress or medication or dry mouth from mouth breathing?
Is the mouth breathing due to sinus and nose being blocked?
Is it the posture?
50% of jaw joint is made of skull and so poor skull/posture may have significant role in causing jaw to click.
I hope this is helpful and prompts you to seek your own professional help to identify the reason for the jaw clicks.
Earlier the better..
Let me know what you think in the comment section below.
Happy rehab!
This video is general in nature and please seek your own individual help, assessment and treatment.
Metro Physio Channel