Jaw, Teeth, Bite and Effective Exercises
Bite problem can be from one of two types.
One is Dental problem.
The other is jaw problem.
When it is dental problem, it is to do with upper teeth and the exercises introduced here is not for going to help at all. Need genuine dental treatment by dental professional.
When it is potentially lower teeth not meeting the upper teeth properly and you feel there is a bite problem, it may be due to some jaw problem.
The reasons are many but especially to do with how the posture is.
Chin poke posture can significantly impact your bite.
That is because 50% of your jaw joint is made up of your temporal bone (part of the skull) that is also related to poor chin poke posturing.
Chin poke posture causes your bottom jaw (mandible bone) to jut out forward (protrusion). This definitely stresses your jaw joint and of course changes the bite.
Other issue may be to do with you you breathe.
Then the important question is where is your tongue positioned when you are not talking or eating anything?
If your tongue is positioned on the roof of mouth = great! no issues and you are likely to be a nose breather.
But, if your tongue is positioned on the floor of mouth, you may be a mouth breather.
When you mouth breathe, your mouth will dry out.
Dry mouth is called xerostomia.
Xerostomia can cause clenching and grinding.
Combined with poor chin poke posture and mouth breathing make it possible to really stress jaw joint to the point that your bite changes.
Remediy is to change posture for the better and also improve the jaw joint stiffness and muscle tension through exercises introduced in this video.
It is only effective if you feel better with your bite by doing the exercises.
If you experience any pain, discomfort, clicking, popping and other issues such as neck pain and headaches then it is either too much force is applied or it is not for you.
It should be done gently and if it changes your bite to feel more comfortable then it’s great but otherwise please stop the stretch.
Happy Rehab!
Metro Physiotherapy Channel
This video is general in nature and please seek your own professional assessment and treatment for your own condition.