Got my Tongue on the roof of mouth but still mouth breathing and Why?
Many viewers said to me, “yes I do keep my tongue on roof of mouth during the day and I ensure that is the resting position. Still, I breathe through my mouth in my sleep”.
Dry mouth / Xerostomia can contribute to more clenching and grinding at night so it is important to get to the bottom of why still mouth breathing…
So this is a sequel to explore other reasons at play that makes you do mouth breathing in your sleep.
Obviously there are more reasons than what’s been mentioned but as a general information, hope this helps to discuss further with your own medical doctor.
1 Nasal passage narrowing
2 Sinus issues
3 Tongue tie
So Please seek your own professional assessment and treatment from medical doctor or an Ear Nose Throat specialist doctor who can do further examination and then formulate some treatment plan.
Happy Rehab!
Metro Physiotherapy Channel
This is a general information only and please seek your own professional assessment and treatment.