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Metro Physiotherapy

  /  Exercise   /  Healthy Jaw and Unhealthy Jaw (7 Signs of Unhealthy Jaw)

Healthy Jaw and Unhealthy Jaw (7 Signs of Unhealthy Jaw)

7 signs of unhealthy Jaw are;

1 Pain
2 Difficulty Opening Mouth
3 Clicking / Popping
4 Clenching / Grinding
5 Facial Injuries
6 Teeth Removal
7 Tight Cheeks

Each signs have can be due to different reasons or combination of factors related to the jaw joint and surrounding structures. How you use your jaw, carry own posture and how you breathe often play significant roles in one or multiple signs of unhealthy jaw joints.

If any one or more of these signs apply to you, please do not hesitate to seek some professional help.

Happy Rehab!


Metro Physiotherapy Channel
This video is general in nature and please seek your own professional assessment and treatment.