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Metro Physiotherapy

  /  Exercise   /  Jaw and Fibromyalgia

Jaw and Fibromyalgia

75% of people with Fibromyalgia develop jaw issues such as pain in the jaw when talking and chewing, clicks in the jaw joint also.

18% of people with jaw issues develop Fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia and jaw issues have some strong link but the reason and mechanism is not fully understood.

Fibromyalgia is global body pain in the muscles to very gentle touch and it is a debilitating condition for many.
Some reports viral infection as a reason but that would be only one of the reason for the condition.

Best specialist to help people with Fibromyalgia is rheumatologist.

Still, if one has symptoms in the jaw such as stiff and tight to open mouth or pain in the jaw area or cheek areas;

Physio can help you with
– stiffness
– pain by improving mobility and education to help use your jaw in a better manner that help reduce unknown stress triggering extra pain and discomfort.
– improving surrounding structure functioning such as posture and strength and flexibility in the neck / thoracic and rotator cuff and upper back muscle strength and ergonomics of how to use computer and smart phone etc.

So seek help especially from physiotherapist and preferred if physio has a special interest in treating jaw issues.

Happy Rehab!


Metro Physiotherapy Channel
This video is general in nature. Please seek your own professional assessment and treatment care.