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Metro Physiotherapy

  /  Exercise   /  Jaw Clucking Exercise

Jaw Clucking Exercise

Jaw clucking Exercise
helps people having issues with
jaw clicking and popping.

That’s not the only way and it is definitely the only exercises that can help but it is one effective way to help improve the clicking and popping in jaw joints.

Tongue should be on the roof of your mouth on the hard palate and if tongue is not strong enough you will certainly have issues with how jaw moves and if there is malfunctioning and poor movement patterns in your jaw joints, it will cause the jaw to start clicking.

Links to some other tongue training exercises are below.

Jaw – Lip Seal Strengthening Exercise

Jaw – Tongue Exercise and Training 1/5 – Clucking

Jaw – Tongue Exercise and Training 2/5 – Tongue Rubbing and Push Up

Happy rehab!


Metro Physiotherapy Channel
This video is for general information only and you should always seek your own professional assessment and treatment.