Jaw Joint Dysfunctions

Having experienced jaw pain, tinnitus, open or locked jaw, popping or clicking sound from jaw, tight and/or unbalanced cheek muscles? Jaw is the most complicated joint in the human body and its treatment requires special knowledge and techniques. We are an expert of jaw joint treatment.
Headache Management

Stop letting headaches ruin your day! Whether you have a tension headache, migraine, cervico-genic headache, menstrual headache or other types of headaches, or a combination of any, we believe we can treat most of the cases. Let’s start our conversation.
Dizziness/ Vertigo

Do you experience dizziness, vertigo and/or balance difficulties? Benign Paroxymal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) and other vestibular conditions will be accurately diagnosed and effectively treated by our experienced therapist.
Back Pain

Back pain is so common that we often ignore the first sign of the problem. Often it goes away. Yes, our experience tells that it goes away, but it may recur. In fact, the more episodes you have, the more difficult it is to recover as quickly as before. It tends to become more severe and it ends up being a chronic condition. We can take you through a tailored rehabilitation to make you feel fantastic by addressing the issues with harmful habits, weakness and stiffness.
Neck Pain

Did you know your head weighs 5kg? You add both arms to the total weight and it is about another 5kg each x 2. Total of 15 kg are hanging off small group of muscles around neck and shoulders. We were never made to stay still for hours daily. We are probably made to have arms above head more often than we currently care to do. The modern work and study style (desk based) forces us to stay still for long. When was the last time you spent time lifting your arms above head? We are probably designed to lift, pull and climb using our arms more randomly through all ranges of motion. Let’s use it to suit how it is designed to be used. Otherwise as the old saying goes, “use it or lose it”.
Ankle Sprains

Ankle sprains can be seen as one of the most common injuries and often it is untreated when it is minor injuries. Regardless of the severity of the ankle injury, it is so important to have proper treatment and management as ankles play a key role for keeping your balance while you move and stand. Well rehabilitated ankles will prevent future injuries, too.
Foot & Heal Pain/ Plantar Fasciosis faciitis

Foot and heel pain / Plantar fasciosis fasciitis are very common and often related to either extreme of lifestyle;. Increase in training load or very sedentary activity level. Essentially both types need just the right amount of rehabilitation without aggravating it any further. Physiotherapist will be able to discuss, treat and progress a tailored exercise program just for you to restore and perform better than ever before.
Sports Injury

From high performing athletes to recreational athletes. There is always some area that can improve. Finding an area of blind spots in your performance is what we do best. We then take you through the best training program backed by cutting edge research and years experience.
Knee Pain

Knee pain can be a common complaint. Sedentary lifestyle or age-related osteoarthritis can cause pain intermittently depending on your lower limb strength levels and associated activity and day-to-day functional levels. More regularly you are active, the more likely to be stronger in your lower limbs that you will overcome any niggles and pains quicker and it prevents from worsening. However, sudden increase in the level of activity may cause injury. In fact any runners, beginner or experienced, in any given 12 months period of training, 42% of runners will report some knee pain. If you were a high level athlete in your youth or a recreational runner, regular check up and upgrading of training program will help prevent major injury to your knee. Generally speaking, only increase your activity or loading by 10% per week and you will stay free of knee or any other injuries.
Hip Pain

Hip pain is variable in terms of diagnosis. It needs detailed questioning and thorough physical examination to reach the right diagnosis. Once diagnosed, hip rehabilitation is rather smooth and successful. Hip pain also requires careful examination as it can be a referral pain from the lumbar spine. Physiotherapist is best trained to find out the origin of your pain

Sciatica is a pain that radiates down the buttock and down the leg. It can present with or without low back pain also. In many instances, irrespective of the presence of low back pain, the origin is in the lumbar spine. Physiotherapy can accurately diagnose and provide an effective treatment pathway to full recovery. Generally speaking, longer it goes on before starting treatment, it takes longer for it to resolve completely.
Pre & Post- Surgical conditioning

No one wants to really have surgery if avoidable. But if that is the final option in successfully managing your symptoms, we recommend pre and post surgical conditioning. Pre-surgical conditioning will set you up to have the best recovery post surgically. If you are stronger and fitter before surgery, better and faster the recovery post surgery will be. It is also easier undertaking post surgery rehabilitation because you have already done it before surgery.
Shoulder Injuries

Shoulder is one of the most mobile joinsts in our body. Its multidirectional nature in its ability to move means it is prone to injuries if it is weak, stiff or tight in certain motions. Physiotherapists are trained to assess and find out the primary reason for your shoulder injuries and work with you to change it so you can perform at the top of your game without the worry of causing pain.
Treatment modalities that we use include:
- Hands-on manual therapy (mobilisation, manipulation)
- Soft tissue release techniques
- Dry needling
- Taping
- Real time ultrasound (to see your muscles)
- Corrective exercise
- Muscle energy techniques
- Ergonomic and postural advice
- Functional strengthening programs
- Rehabilitation and exercise programming

We provide online physiotherapy consultations for most conditions. We are experienced in providing Headache and TMJ management over the screen. We listen to how you describe and mixing of online and face-to-face consultation can provide more effective treatments.